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Designing and installing video surveillance systems

Designing a video surveillance system can be a complex and challenging task. It requires an up-to-date knowledge of all the system elements currently available on the market so that their selection meets the client's needs. Video surveillance used for protection is subject to the Rules of technical security, which means that all such projects are labelled confidential.

The first step in choosing the appropriate video surveillance protection system is to make a thorough risk assessment, i.e. to learn of the specific requirements of the protected object.

Vizura has an extensive experience in designing video surveillance for all types of users and clients: small, medium and large. We customize the needs and requirements of our clients to the current legislation and the sector's best practices, making sure that the optimal solution always aligns with:

  • Video surveillance legislation
  • State-of-the-art technology used for video surveillance systems
  • Functionality of both the device and the software used
  • Future functionalities and how they may influence the current solution and legislation
  • The overall hardware specs
  • The most important aspects of how the video signal is transmitted
Designing and installing video surveillance systems
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